Tuesday, July 10, 2007

trips to klcc.

blur blur~

“here i come” la sgt. X-( i've came..i’ve queued..i’ve joined a riot. ahaks..you know what..having queued since 730 am in the morn...at klcc..there~.morning at klcc..keje pon takde la pegi seawal tu tau. so like #^$#&&$*** okla..my dear friend yatoque who came 1 hr earlier did not manage to get the bag either..so much for limited edition. the management sucks..the campaigns' too. but what the heck~ i got the notebook. thank you dear. and you can expect "boycott anya hindmarch" campaign from me. dr tatau nama brand tu smpai la tau...mmg nk kene boikot. weks. oh, check out the pix. this gotta be the longest entry ever~ haha

the shop..nun jauh hujung sana~
see the girl with the pink bag..that's yatoque~
pakcik guard yg sungguh2 menghalau depan kedai~


on other notes..i've been like to klcc this week for three times. for the first i went to summitSAP07. it's like an event of career day and also seminar of SAP. an ERP solution widely used in the world. since my beloved company used the solution which started live this year..and also..(also la) i might be brainwashed to love it..ahaks..tipu je la..takde brainwash pon. :D so i go la..collecting freebies. ehehe..but because of i hv meeting that morning..i cant come earlier..hence dont get many freebies..and left to go alone without my buddies..ahaks..takpe la..dont mind..haish..but the one that i want to story is..as below. :D eh lupe..the first trip to klcc's was on 3rd of July 2007.

ok..the story went like this..so it goes, we buddies want to eat that break refreshment..malangnya tk la jadik..sbb nya..dah si mamat pelayan yg tego aku tu..ckp kol 230..ok la..tunggu..yelah agak lapa jugakk..tak lunch lg kn. pastunya..nani's quite hesitant and insist that we straight away go lunching. kasik kenyang perut..ehehe..tapinya mama aza pula mcm mau tunggu..ibu roni and me di atas pagar...nk dkat 230 tuh tanya la lagi..best jek mamat tu jawap kol 245. mau jek kitorg 4 org ni sepak pelangkong sama mamat tu..tp atas dasar budi bahasa yg tinggi dn juga agak lapar dan mcm malas nk layan..kami berempat pon chow dan pegi makan ke klcc yg agak jauh tuh la..dr kl convention centre tu..ah..sakit kaki i tau. :p tp cerita yg aku amazed tu bukan kt convcent. tpnya.kt tmpt kitorg lunching. nk dijdkan cerita..kami berpecah kpd 2 kump. 1st kumpulan yg lapo gila dn tk saba nk makan.iaitu aku and mama aza. *wink* dan kumpulan yg agak lapa tp nk ke guardian membeli something iaitu nani dan ibu roni. so kumpulan 1st ni pegi la beratur..oh ye..we've decided to eat at KFC. yumm yumm. tgh beratur ni, pkpk dan bincangbincang la nk makan apa kan..yelah..nk la kenyang dn juga budget2 juge..ehehe..ok..sampai lah turn aku...wah, "hello, i'm betty"..kt screen display tunjuk harga kt cash register tu kan..ugly betty..aku terdetik~ agak mencapai chacteristic gak la..but sweet...;) ok..aku order..kasik x-meal n cheesy wedges ek? ehehe..and adalah celoteh2 sket..iya lah aku kan peramah..muahaha..angkat bakul ni..ihiks...pastu aku cm tgk2 sambil auntie betty sediakan order aku..and sekilas aku terpandang tang die top-up cheese yg sgt bykk kat wedges aku..dn yg sgt heaven..aku mcm..wah cool~! bagus nye auntie ni..tdk kedekut..i love...ok..then i got my order and thanked her..and off to favaourable seat at crowded kfc. okla..perenggan lain plak..pnat baca.

Pastunya, mama aza pulak sampai kt tmpat kitorg...die pon amazed ngan layanan auntie betty yg sgt marvellous..die pon mmg dpt cheese top-up yg heaven..aku mcm dlm hati tu..haish..makcik ni mcm tau2 je kitorg ni suka cheese..ehehehe..pastu cerita2 la..dn memuji2 lagi auntie betty..sorry ye..i call her auntie bcos, she's a lil older and so nice...i'm so going to queue up on her line should i go to klcc's kfc again..ehehe and order myself cheesy wedges...there goes my story about the world greatest service provider, miss betty of kfc klcc. you go, girl~! ahaks..itu br kumpulan 1st. 2nd group ni..dh la beratur panjang...pastu lembap..nani mintak cheese top-up kt wedges die dpt seco'et je...jadik kitorg (me and ibu aza) ckp...lenkali kite carik line miss betty..sgt cool~! ahaks..there goes my 1st trip to klcc this week. balik opis..tau tak kol bape? almost 4pm. ahaha. but takpe2..dh dpt consent boss. :D

2nd trip to klcc, i met up my dearest friends yatoque..just to hang around..bitches about bitches..taklah..sembang sumbang jek~ and layan friendster,,ehehe..dan sembang2 la lagi kan..dgn minum caramel frap and java chip. uhuks. miss my coffee jelly~ i should make my own eh? Ok..the 2nd trip was on Wednesday 4th July. We first met up at the lrt station..and yatoque..yg lapa ajak mkn Burger King. yg sgt value for money ni..ahaha..for rm10 we’ve ate one whopper, one mango juice, chicken nugget and union ring..wow~ ok, i must admit I’ve been eating like there’s no tomorrow nowadays..uhuks..weks. but tk kisah la..uhuks..argh..what else eh? Okla..done with the eating..on with the shopping..konon la..membakar kalori sebelum tambah kalori utk dibakar lg..eheks..pegi mng, mcm bosan walaupun sale..pegi mng klcc pon bosan juge…but that red purse mcm menariks..tk beli pon..ahaha. and then zara’s quite bored too..but we did went to kino and bought myself a lanyard..dh rosak la. bila lah agaknya leh dpt coach’s ID lanyard yg sgt cool tu..uhuks. takpe2, that time would come. Then we went to that anya hindmarch boutique.(ala brand yg aku igt sgt dh tu!) to ask about the limited edition sale. I remembered how excited we were to get our hands on the bag..well, guess you know what had happened eh? so much la for the limited edition~ enough la bout it..and we go on to starbucks and have our drinks and straight away surf with my ibook and friendstering..ahaha..oh, updates~! Br dpt tau dr yatoque..bag limited edition tu ada 2700 untuk Malaysia..2000 dh kasik kat org2 media dan juga kaya dn korporat. Left about 700 for the boutique…and me quite sure, I’m among the 700 ppl..didnt get the bag. Tp utk menyedapkan hati..i told me, that’s was all duniawi~

Ok..samung2..tk abih2 lg n ink updet ni..ahaks..okla..loving my girl’s out with miss yatoque.

the third one is on Friday, 6 july 07. the day i almost got my hands on the “bag”. Haha..enuff said.

Err..actually, there was a 4th trip. What? Four times to klcc in a week? Mmg dasar..sgt kompulsif. Okla,,pls forgive me as klcc was supposed to be a station for my trip back home to Universiti.haha

Alas, I’ve went to kinokuniya and bought meself books~! Baca jgn tk baca..dan terjadi kejadian kasta td..menyampah plak..hello..only purchase above rm100 got paperbag? Haish la..i bought almost the amount tau..kasik je la..kedekut btul kino ni..ni yg nk bukak kedai sendiri ni..haip..mende tk best jgn ceritalah kan?

Ok..then I went to the Petronas Gallery. That’s where and when I believed that I’m not what I supposed to be..ahahaha..ok, leave it to that..hv to type off..mau pigi makan and all..menggemukkan diri.

Next: my sabtu. :x


Anonymous said...

so now u can be the next person after me to call klcc your "playground", dear. hehehe. so when's our next date huh? forget the bag... let us enjoy starbucksing sambil menonton mereka yang obses dengan diri sendiri di frenster. ahaks.

luv ya mate... muahx :x

Anonymous said...

yes babe~ forget the book! hehe. i've klcc'ed again jz now. but only briefly..jumpe kazens and auntie. hehe

luv ya too mate~! muwahs :x

Anonymous said...

oops..did i typed book? haip what's into me..pardon me..i meant the bag~ evil bag..muahahaha