Wednesday, August 20, 2008


dear you..miss you.

just another day passed by not so greatly. but boss said, i look "berseri" today. "make-up ke?" haha..i was like, humm..almost everyday i wear make-up what. ahaha. yalah...a bit of blusher, gloss, eye-liner + maskara..that's always be my basic. hehe

omg, im listening to, flirty@1030. tolonglah..kenapa kene kacau boipren org, boipren ni..kene ke berscandal pula? oh gosh! sungguh tk bagus. but are who you date. ahaha.

so, on this mostly "mcm sedap" date..hehe..i bid my blog er myself, adieu! i just cant seem to express/story myself clearly. and cant wait to go sg. tabahkan hati ok! everything would go smoothly~!

oh oh oh! lupa~! dh anta my app. to further study. hopefully got it..and pleaseee...tolonglah jgn freeze scholarship! huhuhu! wish me luck, dearest!

and now, i hv to think how to fork up the first sem's bill. *think*think*think*

nk pegi laos lagi~! :-/ *wink@bff* :p kononnya la kan..:D

okla..i would to enjoy the rest of the day by...dok diam2 atas katil! haha

muwahs~! psst..nk tgk vin diesel dlm babylon ad.huhu

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ucapanku untuk kamu:
1. selamat "balik kampung". jangan belanja lebey2 yer... kata tade duit :P

2. all the best untuk pembelajaran nanti. gerenti dapat ah... pakai je duit kwsp ko tu... hehehe.

3. semoga bertemu jodoh di tempat belajar (bukan patut aku wish ko belajar rerajin ke? hehehe)

4. ko belila barang2 fotografi siap2. kata nak berfotografi di laos. ahahaha.