Monday, January 30, 2012

The one about my plans..again! :)

I've delayed updates for so long!! :( Sometimes I have ideas to write, but I don't know how to jot it all down. Haha. My plans of taking picture everyday, quite still successful..hooray!! So, from the last post to now (certainly not in order):

 1. I have learned to bake souffle cheesecake (yippie!!) and diamant vanille (easy!)..and I shall make plans to buy hand-mixer and oven!

2. Bought kitchen accessories..:>

3. Received fridge accessories from bff and buttons!!..thank you beb!!

4. Started my arts project, first being my 2011's album photo cover. *hope to finish it off in my 7 days leave (aka "Cuti Kawin")

 5. Organize kitchen and fridge (and fridge magnets)

6. OK, this is more of a confession..gotta redeem myself at work! *peace sign!

7. To date, today is my third visits to K.Mas's crib..get well soon!! I miss you so much at office :(

8. Oh, bought accessories accessories at Bershka at a very cheap bargain! I hearts bargain..hehe

9. Err, finally I got my hands on the long obsessed green/blue/olive watch :)

10. The newest family addition, babyAlif decided to shorten his favorite bibik's trip to only one night! Can't wait to see you tomorrow, you little munchkin!!

11. Housewarming party at hommie's crib!! so homey~! ihiks..oh, I brought the cake & cookies above!

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